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Microscopy Land
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In this blog by keywords or Tag, you will find various information which can help you during your investigations in microscopy.
Definitions :
Eléve Stagiaire 2021- collégien – Augustin
Je m'appelle Augustin Larrieu, j'ai 13 ans et je suis collégien à Auterive (31190).J'ai effectué mon stage d'observation du 1er au 5 février 2021 chez Delta Microscopies, une entreprise qui fabrique des outils pour les microscopes. Dans cette entreprise, pour entrer...
Microscopie électronique à transmission pour l’analyse des mitochondries dans le muscle squelettique de la souris
Le muscle squelettique est le tissu le plus abondant dans le corps humain et régule une variété de fonctions, y compris la locomotion et le métabolisme du corps entier. Le muscle squelettique a une pléthore de mitochondries, les organites qui sont essentiels à...
Meaning of Scavenger in chemistry: carbohydrazide
Meaning of Scavenger in chemistry:- like the carbohydrazides used in Electron Microscopy (purifies or traps the products of impurities or free radicals.Wikipedia sources with our modificationsA chemical scavenger is a chemical substance added to a mixture to remove or...
human cell pH ! fixative cell in Electron Microscopy
The hydrogen potential, noted pH , is a measure of the chemical activity of hydrons (also commonly called protons or hydrogen ions) in solution. In particular, in aqueous solution, these ions are present in the form of the hydronium ion (the simplest of the oxonium...
What is Cryo-Electron Microscopy (Cryo-EM)?
Transmission Electron Microscopes (TEM) transmit a beam of electrons through a sample to create an image. While the electrons pass through the sample, some will be scattered by heavier atoms in the sample creating a projection image. Imaging of biological material...
WATER : First important Lab Reagent !
…..Even within the same laboratory, the water used in an experiment may differ from that used in another…..
cryo - electron microscopy or CRYO-EMUnlike an optical microscope, which uses light, the electron microscope accelerates and concentrates a beam of electrons to create an image of the sample to be observed. The problem is that this technique requires chemically fixing...
Precise location on TEM grid of your area of interest .
there are different methods to find your interest areas on TEM grids- Search or index grids are used to identify specific areas of interest in specimens. This allows the area of interest to be moved later or saved for reference. Also to identify the areas already...
aqueous solutions ?
A solvent is simply a substance that can dissolve other molecules and compounds, which are known as solutes. A homogeneous mixture of solvent and solute is called a solution, and much of life’s chemistry takes place in aqueous solutions, or solutions with water as the...
The Principle of the Electron Microscope …video
<iframe width="1280" height="720" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>The Principle of the Electron...
The different forms and types of grids
Several hundred models of grids: vary according to- Number of Mesh (holes) 75 mesh, 200 meh, 400 mesh- Mesh shape: square, rectangular, hexagonal, ...- Presence or no markers , finder grids - Materials: Copper, Nickel, gold, plastic, carbon, ....Criteria for choosing...
What is the difference between room-temperature-(RT) and ambient-temperature?
What is the difference between room temperature and ambient temperature? In weather, ambient temperature refers to the current air temperature —the overall temperature of the outdoor air that surrounds us. In other words, ambient air temperature is the same thing as...
Methods, Tips and Tricks :
Negative EM Stain77
Stain77 est un nouveau contrastant non toxique tres efficace en coloration négative .
Inclusion Polymerization: problems (Epoxy resin)
Polymerization problemsIncomplete polymerization of blocks (soft blocks) could occur owing to inaccurate weighing of Epoxy Kit components, inadequate mixing, improper temperature setting of oven, insufficient baking and out-of-date accelerator. If the blocks do not...
The use of trehalose in the preparation of specimens for molecular electron microscopy
publication source from Po-Lin Chiu,Biological specimens have to be prepared for imaging in the electron microscope in a way that preserves their native structure. Two-dimensional (2D) protein crystals to be analyzed by electron crystallography are best preserved by...
Coronavirus: it teaches you how to make a fabric mask on your own
Agnès Lelion, psychologue dans le Cotentin et passionnée de loisirs créatifs, vous montre comment confectionner des masques en tissu aider à se protéger du
Make your hydro-alcoholic gel anti Covid-19
formulation hydro-alcoholic gel 10 L1 L Alcool (éthanol à 96 %)* / Alcohol 96%8,333 L0,83 L Eau oxygénée (peroxyde d'hydrogène à 3 %) /Hydrogen peroxide0,417 L0,04 L Glycérine (glycérol à 98 %) / Glycerin0,145 L0,01 L Eau (distillée, ou bouillie et refroidie) /...
Ultramicrotomy Tutorial (a synthesis of the technique) by Stacie Kirsch.
an excellent tutorial on a synthesis of the ultramicrotomy technique made by Stacie Kirsch the Boss of EMS, I highly recommend it as a basis for writing an introductory course. you can consult or download it by clicking on the imageit is well done and very...
water is the first solvent, but what water are we talking?
A solvent is simply a substance that can dissolve other molecules and compounds, which are known as solutes. A homogeneous mixture of solvent and solute is called a solution, and much of life’s chemistry takes place in aqueous solutions, or solutions with water as the...
how to choose , Immersion Oil: your Selection Guide
Immersion oil is used for high resolution (1000X) light microscopy work under oil immersion objective lens.Cargille Laboratories’ name is synonymous with Refractive Index Liquids and Immersion Oils. offer a variety of immersion oil formulations covering a wide...
history, and actions of the main EM fixatives
* sources Article publié dans Microscopy Today 00-1 pp. 8-12 (2000) Formaldehyde, formalin, paraformaldehyde and glutaraldehyde:what they are and what they do.John A. Kiernan,Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology,University of Western Ontario, LONDON, Canada N6A 5C1...
DMP_30 and DMAE VS BDMA *Please note that wherever DMP-30 is listed as the accelerator in our embedding media kits you have the option to use BDMA in place of it. BDMA is less viscous, has a longer shelf life, and offers better penetration (it should be noted,...
A targeted 3D EM and correlative microscopy method using SEM array tomography
A targeted 3D EM and correlative microscopy method using SEM array tomographyTECHNIQUES AND RESOURCESAgnes Burel, Marie-Thérèse Lavault, Clément Chevalier, Helmut Gnaegi, Sylvain Prigent, Antonio Mucciolo, Stéphanie Dutertre, Bruno M. Humbel, Thierry...
Sure to Read, magnetic resin to the rescue technic CLEM Bravo!
MagC, collection magnétique de coupes ultrafines pour microscopie corrélative volumétrique à lumière et à électronsThomas Templier University of Zurich and ETH Zurich, Switzerland The non-destructive collection of ultrathin sections on silicon wafers for...
Microscopy Planet NEWS! :
Negative EM Stain77
Stain77 est un nouveau contrastant non toxique tres efficace en coloration négative .
La microscopie électronique à l’ère de l’automatisation
La plate-forme de microscope de nouvelle génération de PNNL met en œuvre une architecture d’analyse et de contrôle sans précédent. Les experts repensent les bases du microscope électronique, en tirant parti de l’automatisation du système de bas niveau, du prétraitement des données basé sur le domaine et de l’analyse émergente des données éparses pour extraire rapidement des informations statistiques. extrait article de Kimberlee Papich, Laboratoire national du nord-ouest du Pacifique
Eléve Stagiaire 2021- collégien – Augustin
Je m'appelle Augustin Larrieu, j'ai 13 ans et je suis collégien à Auterive (31190).J'ai effectué mon stage d'observation du 1er au 5 février 2021 chez Delta Microscopies, une entreprise qui fabrique des outils pour les microscopes. Dans cette entreprise, pour entrer...
A new chapter in the story of mitochondria? : Mitonucleons !
Mitonucleons are a newly recognised type of mitochondrial superstructure. Consisting of multiple mitochondria enveloping chromatin, mitonucleons appear to be responsible for the development of unusual structures called spheroids. Dr Honoree Fleming of Castleton State...
complete story Electron Microscope since 1931 at today.
Timeline Electron Microscope (EM) StoryThe advent of the electron microscope by German physicist Ernst Ruska and engineer Max Knoll broke down the barrier to the microscopic world. The discovery allowed scientists and doctors to see far beyond the limits of the human...
Graphene Lid Revitalizes Imaging Technique
Source : futura Mag.By capping liquids with graphene, an ultrathin sheet of pure carbon, researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and their colleagues have revitalized and extended a powerful technique to image surfaces. The graphene...
Coronavirus Closeup, 1964
source: Ashley YeagerDead baby chicks from farms began arriving by the dozens at the vet labs of North Dakota Agricultural College in Fargo in 1930. Chicken farmers also brought in their sick chicks, many of which were gasping for air. Others were listless and...
Laser phase plate for transmission electron microscopy
……These results suggest the possibility for dose-efficient imaging of unstained biological macromolecules and cells…… sourcing NatureMetods journal
A new HPF specimen carrier adapter for the use of high-pressure freezing with cryoscanning electron microscope: two applications: stearic acid organization in a hydroxypropyl methylcellulose matrix and mice myocardium
SummaryCryogenic transmission electron microscopy of high-pressurefreezing (HPF) samples is a well-established technique for theanalysis of liquid containing specimens. This technique enables observation without removing water or other volatile components. The HPF...
Correlative three-dimensional and block-face electron microscopy in vitreously frozen cells
Visualizing whole cells at many scalesCells need to compartmentalize thousands of distinct proteins, but the nanoscale spatial relationship of many proteins to overall intracellular ultrastructure remains poorly understood. Correlated light and electron microscopy...
the corona virus in EM pictures in recent years on excellent TIME journal
The Scientist Behind Some of the World's Best Coronavirus ImagesElizabeth Fischer uses an electron microscope to capture images of the coronavirus, which is about 10,000 times smaller than the width of a human hair. Photo courtesy of Elizabeth FischerBY MARKIAN...
JUNE ALMEIDA was born the year the virus first appeared. it is she who will image it in electron microscopy for the first time 30 years later
Coronavirus. The word keeps coming up in conversations, the press, social media, medical journals. Since the beginning of the year, the number of scientific publications relating to the coronavirus SARS-COV-2 has exploded. In the PubMed biomedical database, there are...