For preservation of skin biopsy specimens to be examined by direct
immunofluorescent testing for demonstration of tissue-fixed immunoglobulins.
Michel’s Buffer (used for direct IF specimens) is a simple salt solution which does
not kill many pathogens, therefore blood and tissue specimens sent for IF studies
must be labeled as potential biohazards.
May also be used to transport specimens (such as renal biopsies and lymph nodes)
for immunofluorescence studies. It is not a fixative and is not suitable for any other
use (particularly, it is not suitable for transporting living cells for flow cytometry).
Specimens may be kept in Michel’s Buffer at room temperature until they can be
delivered to the reference laboratory. Transport medium specimens can be held at
room temperature for five days in transport medium before processing. Specimens
received in transport medium should be washed in three changes of washing
solution, 10 minutes each wash.
Not to be used for tissues used in Fluorescent In-situ Hybridization (FISH).
Store refrigerated (not frozen) until use.
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