Weigert’s Iron Hematoxylin with Methachromic Dyes

For Nuclear stain.

Stain results:

Nuclei   Black
Cytoplasm   Gray-Green
Mucus, Cartilage and   Yellowish Brown, Deep Red or
Mast Cell Granules   Orange-Red depending on dye used

Options disponibles :


Technical Data Sheet

MSDS 26758-01 MSDS 26758-02 MSDS 26758-03 MSDS /26758-04 MSDS 26758-06

Weigert, K., Z. Wissen. Mikro., 21:1-5, 1904
Lillie, R.D., Histopathologic Technical and Practical Histochemistry, 3rd edition, McGraw-Hill, NY, 1965
Clark, G., (ed.), Staining Procedures, 3rd Edition, Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, p.40, c 1973.

Informations complémentaires


500 ml


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