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Ingredients: NaCl; KCl; CaCl2.6H2O; MgCl2.6H2O; NaHCO3; NaH2PO4; Glucose; and Distilled water.
H2O F.W. 18.02 CAS #7732-18-5
EMS Reagent Grade Water is typically prepared at… Show more (+) H2O F.W. 18.02 CAS #7732-18-5
EMS Reagent Grade Water is typically prepared at 18 megohm/cm specific resistance using a reverse osmosis, mixed deionization, activated filtration and final filtration at 0.2 microns.
Color (APHA) <+/-5
Bacteriological purity 0 CFUs/L
Residue after evaporation 10ppm
Coliform negative
Storage : RT Show less (-) |
A xylene substitute for use in histology and cytology. It is safer and a more… Show more (+) A xylene substitute for use in histology and cytology. It is safer and a more preferable alternative to xylene. It can be used as a solvent and clearing agent, as well as for dissolving paraffin waxes, glues and adhesives.
- Minimal tissue shrinkage.
- Dries slowly with no residue.
- Less toxic than xylene.
- Soluble with alcohol, paraffin embedding media, and mounting media.
It can be used in all procedures that require xylene. Biodegradable.
Storage : RT Show less (-) |
An intensive study from 1992 throughout 2000 has shown that Hemo-De® (d-Limonene) a terpene-based chemical… Show more (+) An intensive study from 1992 throughout 2000 has shown that Hemo-De® (d-Limonene) a terpene-based chemical with a pleasant citrus fragrance, was able to replace many of the clinical laboratories toxic reagents, such as carbol-xylene, xylene, ethyl acetate and formalin. In Parasitology – Hemo-De replaces ethyl acetate in the concentration procedure; Hemo-De replaces carbol-xylene, xylene and […] Show less (-) |
Storage : RT
Unit : 500 ml |
Unit : 450 ml