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Acrylic Eyelash manipulator sets for ultramicrotomy
Perfectly manufactured Eyelash manipulator sets for carefully manipulating ultra-thin sections, small tissue samples and small…
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Perfectly manufactured Eyelash manipulator sets for carefully manipulating ultra-thin sections, small tissue samples and small microscopy samples.
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Capsule Block Storage
For the storage of 15 capsule blocks in numbered cavities.
Methyl Cellulose, viscosity 400 cPS
Methyl cellulose, viscosity 400 cPsused cryo-sectionsUnit : 100g
Sure-cut Surfactant
Epoxy resins are easier to section with glass, as well as diamond knives, when the…
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Epoxy resins are easier to section with glass, as well as diamond knives, when the embedding medium contains 0.5-1.0% of our SURE-CUT. The life of the diamond knife will be extended with its use because it will reduce the friction of the plastic block during sectioning.  Unit : 50g
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