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deeper multi-wells Silicone mat
Silicone mat to contrast the grids for cryosections , cyto-chemistry
volume drop 50 to 150 µl.
see video its use : clic on this link see video on youtube microscopydirect
Ref: 1006
Une fine couche de carbone 3 à 7 nm est évaporée sur le film de formvar afin de renforcer sa résistance thermique lors d’observation longues ou d’une tension de plus de 100Kv. Pour des applications spécifiques une couche de carbone plus importante est necessaire (10 à 12 nm). Consulter nos conseils sur la page technique ou nous laisser un message sur contact..
Ref: D300FC
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GLUTARALDEHYDE 2.5% IN BUFFER (ready to fix.)
- Ready to use
Distilled water
Microfiltred – Stérilized
Under neutral gaz / vaccum sealed
EM grade quality
Ref: GF100174
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Grid storage box for 50 TEM grids full antistatic material
Well-designed economy TEM grid box with a capacity of 50 the standard 3.05mm TEM grids.
50 Positions are referenced with numbers and letters, clearly printed on the body
the box is ergonomic is well taken in hand Easy, and compact
material 100% antistatic does not steal the grates when opening the box
the box is ergonomic is well taken in hand
Quality: ergonomic, 100% antistatic,
Ref: D2757AS
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Kit “Cryo Tools” in wood box
7 instruments tweezers used in the preparation of frozen hydrated specimens
applications : Cryo, Antistatic, Insulating
with wood box
Ref: CT700
LEAD CITRATE syringe for TEM Stainer RMC QG3100
This syringe Packaging 30 ML LEAD CITRATE formule Reynolds for EM stain , ready to use is adapted To TEM stainer QG 3100 RMC
Ref: 11300-QG
Microscope à écran LCD réglable de 8.5 pouces
Microscope monoculaire numérique avec écran LCD
pratique pour placer les grilles sur les échantillons TEM et SEM sur le support
double éclairage LED
logiciel d’image
enregistrement sur carte SD
grossissement 100xRef: DM2910G
Multi-well Silicone mat
Silicone mat to contrast the grids
multi-well for small drops 10 to 20 µl.
Ref: 2708
PAD Grids – 47mm Petri Slide.
Grids Box (petri-Slide dia.47mm) for Electron Microscopy with PAD, 9 COMPARTMENTS NUMBERED
Applications :
› Ultramicrotomy
› EM Staining,
› Incubation
› Storage long time for Asbestos or other small SampleSold by 1unit or 24 units in Rack. or box of 96 units.
Choose below options as you need.Ref: ST-14000-PAD
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Petri Slide 47mm
Boites de petri pour filtre 47 mm de diamètre en polyéthylène.
Vendues par boites de 96 unités.
Ref: ST-14000-PS-96
Read MoreChoix des options Ce produit a plusieurs variations. Les options peuvent être choisies sur la page du produit -
Stain77 – Solution Contrastante
- Pour contraste positif et négatif.
- pH voisin de 7
- Eau distillée
- Microfiltré – Stérile
- Scellé sous gaz neutre
- Qualité EM grade
Ref: GC301078
Read MoreChoix des options Ce produit a plusieurs variations. Les options peuvent être choisies sur la page du produit -
Tweezers holder, 6 positions to stand differents tools lab.
Plastic acrylic cristal
6 positions to stand instruments
Ref: DP03
Tweezers storage holder
Ref: DP02
Tweezers Storage Holder
Ref: DP01
UV sterilization (Bact., Virus) box for your tools
Disinfected forceps (viruses, bacteria) by UV
large desinfection space , Quick desinfection ( < 5 min)
USB cable and plug supplied which allows recharging
Ref: DP04
Disinfected forceps (viruses, bacteria) by UV
large desinfection space , Quick desinfection ( < 5 min)
… Show more (+) Disinfected forceps (viruses, bacteria) by UV
large desinfection space , Quick desinfection ( < 5 min)
USB cable and plug supplied which allows recharging
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