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Microscopy Land
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Microscopy Planet NEWS! :
Electron microscope provided look inside the organic chemical reaction.
Recording video-movies of chemical reactions is a dream of modern chemists; now it came true AKSON RUSSIAN SCIENCE COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION 22-OCT-2018sourcing EurekAlert CREDIT: ANANIKOV V. P Scientists from Zelinsky Institute of Organic...
New designed magnetic objective lenses atom-resolved imaging of materials with sub-Å spatial resolution ( Japan science agency collaboration with Jeol R&D)
sourcing :Direct atom-resolved imaging of magnetic materials JAPAN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AGENCYUnder the JST-SENTAN program (Development of System and Technology for Advanced Measurement and Analysis, Japan Science and...
Electron Micrographs Get a Dash of Color … from the Scientist mag.
My French comment : EM is in color a dream become reality. read this superb publication →A new technique creates colorful stains that label proteins and cellular structures at higher resolution than ever before possible. Nov 3, 2016 : BEN ANDREW HENRYElectron...
Image of the Day: Beetle Penis ….. from The Scientist Mag.
french comment : Les scientifiques se tournent vers les parties génitales d'un coléoptère pour apprendre comment améliorer la résistance du cathéter. La nature une source inepuisable pou l'innovation..Scientists look to a leaf beetle’s genitals for lessons on...
Image of the Day: Feather Mites
Researchers used scanning electron microscopy to peer at bugs on several hummingbird species.P. huitzilopochtlii mites on a hummingbird featherY.K. YAMASAKI, ET AL. feb 19, 2018 THE SCIENTIST STAFF, THE SCIENTIST STAFFA majority of...
Opinion: The Central Dogma of Mitochondrial Genetics Needs Rewriting
The recent discovery of 17 people who have inherited maternal and paternal lines of mitochondrial DNA has major ramifications for medical and ancestry research.Dec 12, 2018 JOHN D. LOIKE John D. Loike, a Professor of Biology at Touro College and University Systems,...
Scientist in Electron microscopy, Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2017.
Trio behind method to visualise the molecules of life wins 2017 Nobel Prize in Chemistryarticle extracted from scientists have won the 2017 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for developing a technique that helps image biological molecules in...
History of an unknown Electron Microscope, from TEKTRONIX
This microscope has no name? yes no name at least not very well known because not marketed, superb project, The following story will give you more information ...In the early 1960s, Tektronix worked with Gertrude Rempfer and began developing an Electrostatic...